Today’s Steinway—A Legacy Of Innovation
Saturday, September 24, 2022
12 – 12:45 pm
College Music Society 2022 Conference
Vancouver/Tokyo Room
Westin Long Beach
333 East Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, California 90802
Steinway & Sons invites you to a “Lunch and Learn” event where you will experience a special VIP view of the innovations and technologies making today’s Steinways the very best pianos ever produced in our 169-year history.
Enjoy your box lunch while seeing the evolution of Spirio | r, the finest high resolution recording/playback system ever incorporated into a Steinway grand piano. Spirio is changing the way faculty, students, and administrators view their performance stages, classrooms, studios, and practice spaces while enhancing keyboard pedagogy and the student’s educational experience.
Steinway can help enrich the music education of your students and faculty and give you a recruiting edge each year as your program grows.
RSVP now, as room seating is limited.
For more information during the conference, stop by and visit us at tables 16 – 18 in the Centennial Ballroom Foyer.